I'm enjoying the last days of summer. I feel like I've taken full advantage of the season. I've spent a lot of time outside, I took a 12-day staycation, and I've spent ample time hanging out at my condo pool where I exercised, sunbathed, and enjoyed talking with neighbors and making new friends. I also worked on decluttering my condo and having needed repairs done.
One reason I think I enjoyed this summer so much is that I focused on self-care, including working to improve my physical health, and it has paid off. I started taking Deplin for my MTHFR homozygous C667T genetic mutation and I also started taking iron supplements for an iron deficiency that I have probably struggled with for years. I switched doctors in the spring and my new doctor tested my iron levels, when I reported having heavy periods, which my old doctor had never done. Taking care of these health problems seems to have increased my energy level, and I also look and feel healthier. I have better color and my hair is growing in thicker (iron deficiency can lead to both paleness and hair loss).
I've also continued my weekly therapy sessions which I started in February of 2016. Although I've been in some form of therapy for years, this is the only time I have ever been able to afford weekly sessions. In earlier years, I tried to make it once a month, but that wasn't always possible. Having weekly therapy has helped me so much because I can work on problems I face every week. Before, therapy was overwhelming because I felt I had so much to rehash in my infrequent appointments. I have experienced a tremendous amount of personal growth over the past two years that I attribute to these weekly therapy sessions. I'm so grateful for them!
I also read two daily meditations every morning which help to give me a lot of clarity. It is a great way to start my days. I read The Language of Letting Go and A Restful Mind: Daily Meditations for Enhancing Mental Health. Both of these daily meditations have been incredibly helpful to me!
I love my job, but sometimes it is stressful. At those times, I use wellness tools from my WRAP. My favorite wellness tools to use at work are: taking a short walk, using some scented hand lotion, or doing a few rounds of square breathing. I also make sure to drink plenty of water during the day.
So, I'm feeling really good about the end of summer. I always notice seasonal changes since I feel so different at different times of the year. I'll miss the relaxing afternoons at the pool, and leisurely chats with my neighbors, but I'm ready to make the transition to indoor exercise and swimming at the Y. And, one of my new friends that I met this year at the condo pool is also a member of the Y, and we have already taken a trip there together. We are both going to miss the outdoor pool, but we both know we need to keep exercising!
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